developer profile professional team |
Architect MasterBuild Architects, LLC (www.masterbuildarchitects.com) specializes in infill redevelopment and adaptive re-use of existing structures. The firm brings education and experience in cutting edge construction technologies to the six to 12 projects it designs per year. Jim Schneck, President of MasterBuild Architects is a licensed Architect, and holds a Class B Contractors License. He has 10 years of experience in Denver’s new construction and renovation markets. Previous to forming MasterBuild Architects, LLC in 2001, Jim’s Master’s thesis on preservation and revitalization of historic buildings was strengthened by extensive experience as licensed architect and Project Manager for the Buchanan Yonushewski Group, LLC. MasterBuild Architects, LLC is the Architect of Record for the Weir
Building at 3200 Zuni St (16 residential units and seven retail) and
288 Broadway (eight residential units and 5000 sq ft of retail). General Contractor In business more than twenty years, President, XXXXXXXXX, a licensed engineer, created the company in 1981, then incorporated in 1991 as XXXXXXXXXX Construction Services, Inc. Similar projects include conversion of warehouse space into Offices, Restaurants and retail on West Littleton Blvd. and the warehouse conversion to live work lofts at 910 Santa Fe (www.910arts.com). Realtor |